A cup of Steve…No escape

I’ve heard sayings in my life like…”I’ve found Jesus” or “I’ve left Jesus”. Like He’s playing peek a boo to see if we can find Him. Or we just turn our body around and walk away from Him and He says “Hey, where are you going? Come back”.

No matter what you do in life. Believe. Not believe. Believe in another god. It doesn’t change the fact that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

No bigger shock was when I saw Kanye West release an album called Jesus is Lord. That in itself is an oxymoron. But when God wants to proclaim Himself, He reminds me that His ways are not ours.

To see an advertisement in Time Square draped over a tall building that is the album cover to Jesus is Lord and then the Album goes number 1…across the board is nothing short of a miracle.

Think about the times where you have either struggled with your faith or maybe you still have no faith at all. If I stand in front of an ocean and all the sudden a Tsunami is coming straight for you, and I say “I don’t believe Tsunamis exist.” It doesn’t change the reality that I will still feel the effects of it.

So whether you go to church online or in person, or not at all, just remember that God is God and we are not.

If you don’t make a choice, you have still made one.

Make the right one.

Choose Jesus.

Pastor Steve

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