A cup of Steve… Take it to the house.

Good morning! I’m not one who loves being on “ lockdown”. I never have. Now it has been revealed that we have at least another month of this virus “quarantine”. This will run into Palm Sunday and ultimately Easter. Some people look at this like Easter has been “cancelled”. I can assure you that God…

A cup of Steve… paradigm shift

Good morning! When Coronavirus hit, there was a shift in the world. Over 140 countries are now dealing with this virus. Many are sick. Many have lost their lives. But for many, their lives have been turned upside down. There’s a paradigm shift… The way we’ve always done things has been disrupted. Our normal routines…

A cup of Steve…There’s no time for this

Good morning! Another day into the “corona crisis” and I’m pleasantly surprised that civility has been the theme among people all around the world. Except the United States Congress… It was once rumored that Nero played a fiddle while Rome burned. And then blamed it on the Christians. While I believe God is the answer…

A cup of Steve…Grandpop’s gets the last laugh

Good afternoon! Seems like everyday we get up, we hear of more restrictions. More freedoms that we once enjoyed being put on hold…all over the world. As I was having my morning coffee, God reminded me of a time when my Grandfather Paul Barlam was alive. You see, Gramp grew up in the Great Depression…

A cup of Steve…We need rest

Good morning! “You need rest”. Has anyone ever told you that? Especially as a kid. Did you know that God values rest? Physically our bodies need to recharge. But today I’m gonna talk to the “ inner man” in all of us. Last night I woke up in the middle night in great fear that…

A cup of Steve… Social Distancing

Good morning! Seems like people are talking more about Coronavirus than God. Who has the power over this virus? You guessed it…God. A lot of churches have had to shutdown and do a remote service. RH was still able to meet as we are a small church. I took a snapshot of the live feed…

A cup of Steve… Worry wort

Growing up, I learned how to worry a lot. As a matter of fact it became a part of me. I worried about EVERYTHING! When I got married and had kids, that just magnified a thousand times over. One of the ways I coped was to take my family to Disney around Christmas every year….

A cup of Steve….Everything counts

That’s right. Everything we do in life counts. It counts in people’s lives. Our own lives. Our eternity. When I was a kid growing up in Millville, I played baseball. I loved playing. I loved the friends. Had a lot of great moments playing. Then I moved away. And that was the end of that….

Don’t be surprised

As I was drinking my coffee this morning, I was thinking how weird this winter has been. On the one hand we had some really cold days. On the other, we gave had spring like weather shortly thereafter. Surprisingly no snow after much predictions that we would get hard. But why are we so surprised…

Life is short

Yes it is… Let’s put it in perspective… Got a flat tire? Give thanks you have a car. Got a tooth ache? Thank God you got teeth. Hate your job? At least you have one. Kids getting on your last nerve? Hug them. They are not yours, they are God’s and be taken at any…